
We want everyone to be able to visit us and are constantly working to improve our accessibility. But it can be good to keep in mind that the silk factory is an authentic 19th century environment with uneven floors, thresholds and some narrow passages.


There are three parking spaces on Repslagargatan for those who have a permit for the disabled.


Toilets are on the third floor. There is one large accessible toilet.

Hearing and reception loop

We have a T-loop in the auditorium and in the entrance/ shop.

Borrow a recipient at the entrance so you can follow the guided tours. The receiver is available both with headphones or with a receiver if you have a T-mode on your hearing aid.

Get around the silk mill

The entrance, shop and silk mill are on the first floor and our main exhibition is on the third floor.

There is a lift to both floors. You take the elevator from street door 15 D, into the right of the yard. 
At the far end you will find the gray elevator tower. The doors of the elevator open automatically.

The dimensions of the elevator are 102 x 139 cm and the door is 100 cm.

From the elevator to our premises there are automatic doors. Ring the bell outside the elevator and we will unlock it. Then press the door opener located next to the bell. Please buy the entrance ticket at the entrance.